Current Projects

Country: Antigua and Barbuda

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24 results found

To support Eight (8) developing countries prepare and submit Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) and National Communications (NCs) that comply with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Paris Agreement reporting requirements; and respond to their national development goals

To prevent the build-up of materials and chemicals in the environment that contain POPs and Mercury and other harmful chemicals in SIDS, and to manage and dispose of existing harmful chemicals and materials in SIDS

Promote low-carbon and climate-resilient public and private transportation systems in Antigua and Barbuda

To promote mainstreaming of NDC monitoring, reporting and verification into domestic systems and strengthen institutional capacity to enable routine, concurrent and participatory monitoring processes that enhance transparency under the Paris Agreement

To support biodiversity conservation in Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Lucia through enhanced political will and capacity building for improved management of marine protected areas (MPAs), marine management areas (MMAs) and protected areas

To actualize protection and sustainable use of biodiversity and protected areas, under the umbrella of the newly passed Environmental Protection and Management Act (EPMA) of 2015

Prevention, early detection, control and management frameworks for invasive alien species (IAS) that emphasize a risk management approach by focusing on the highest risk invasion pathways of Barbados and OECS countries.

Provide participating countries targeted financial and technical support to prepare new or updated and improved TNAs, including Technology Action Plans (TAPs), for prioritized technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, support adaptation to climate change, and are consistent with Nationally Determined Contributions and national sustainable development objectives

To build national and sub-national capacity for medium- and long-term adaptation planning, accessing innovative financing mechanisms and implementing cost-effective adaptation interventions focused on ecosystems for communities and sectors vulnerable to climate change in Antigua and Barbuda.

to contribute to the preservation of Caribbean ecosystems that are of global significance and the sustainability of livelihoods through the application of existing proven technologies and approaches that are appropriate for small island developing states through improved fresh and coastal water resources management, sustainable land management and sustainable forest management that also seek to enhance resilience of socio-ecological systems to the impacts of climate change.

To strengthen the capacity for implementation of the updated POPs Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) and to create the conditions for sustainable monitoring of POPs in the Latin American and Caribbean Region

Nine countries prepare and submit intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) to the 2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Agreement and have institutional arrangements in place that support the INDC process

Enhanced financing and management of protected areas through innovations in renewable energy capacity and arrangements

The project will provide financial and technical support for the preparation of National Communications (NCs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 14 non-Annex I Parties that have completed preparation of their current national communications.

Build capacity to reduce GHG emissions in the commercial and residential buildings including appliances, demonstrate technologies to achieve reductions of 20% of GHG emissions and put in place policies or programs to roll out these technologies to the marketplace.

Project Objective: With the overarching goal of integrating CBD Obligations into National Planning Processes through Enabling Activities, the main objective of this project is to enable GEF eligible LDCs and SIDs to revise the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and to develop the Fifth National Report to the CBD

In the context of the Cartagena Convention and its LBS Protocol2, to pilot revolving financing mechanisms and their related wastewater management reforms that can be subsequently established as feasible instruments to provide sustainable financing for the implementation of environmentally sound and cost-effective wastewater management measures.

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Enter number only i.e. 9815