Current Projects

Country: South Sudan

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15 results found

To promote sustainable approaches to ecosystem conservation in the Imatong landscape of South Sudan

Categorized Under: Africa South Sudan

GEF-10946 Ongoing Biodiversity

To fast-track readiness and early actions to implement the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework by providing financial and technical support to GEF-eligible Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in their work to review and align their national targets, NBSAPs, policy frameworks, monitoring frameworks and finance with the Global Biodiversity Framework

GEF-10228 Ongoing Biodiversity

To strengthen national capacities to support the accession to the Nagoya Protocol and to establish a functioning national legal and institutional framework to ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources i

Categorized Under: Africa South Sudan

Provide participating countries targeted financial and technical support to prepare new or updated and improved TNAs, including TAPs, for prioritized technologies that reduce GHG emissions, support adaptation to climate change, and are consistent with Nationally Determined Contributions and national sustainable development objectives.

To combat illegal wildlife trade by strengthening PA legislative and management systems through institutional strengthening, improved information management and monitoring, and community empowerment through both national and site level actions.

Categorized Under: Africa South Sudan

To strengthen systemic, institutional and individual capacity for effective implementation of the Rio Conventions in South Sudan

Categorized Under: Africa South Sudan

To provide financial and technical support to GEF-eligible Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in their work to develop high quality, data driven sixth national reports (6NR) that will improve national decision-making processes for the implementation of NBSAPs; that report on progress towards achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (ABTs) and inform both the fifth Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO5) and the Global Biodiversity Strategy of 2021 – 2030.

To take stock of South Sudan’s existing capacities and specific capacity needs and priorities, as it moves to implement multilateral environmental Conventions to which it is a signatory.

Categorized Under: Africa South Sudan

To develop the South Sudan National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA), following a participatory process to address the most immediate and urgent climate related risks.

Categorized Under: Africa South Sudan

To integrate South Sudan’s obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks through a participative ‘biodiversity planning’ and strategizing process, in a manner that is in line with the global guidance contained in the CBD’s Strategic Plan for 2011-2020.

Categorized Under: Africa South Sudan

To assist South Sudan in the preparation of its Initial National Communication (INC) for the
implementation of the obligations under the UNFCCC.

Categorized Under: Africa South Sudan

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