
Knowledge exchange event on demonstrating environmental and social impacts

27 January 2020

20-22 November 2019, Cambridge – CFU convened the first, of what is hoped to be an, annual knowledge exchange event on managing E&S risks and demonstrating impacts of financing deforestation-free agriculture and forestry. This charrette aimed to bring together a burgeoning community of practice to develop a shared understanding of the why, what and how of E&S impacts for sustainable land-use financing.


An expanding ecosystem of sustainable land-use finance facilities (e.g. &Green FundAGRI3 Fund, the Tropical Landscapes Finance Facility) are trying to deliver on private sector commitments on the SDGs relating to forests, climate and livelihoods. Each facility is independently developing E&S frameworks and key performance indicators (KPIs) to demonstrate these impacts.




This event aimed to bring key actors – investment advisors, commercial banks, as well as donors blending public financing, and de-risking, private investment - together help solve operational challenges, and standardise approaches to: a) why it’s important to invest in facility level E&S monitoring and reporting; b) what should be monitored and reported to demonstrate E&S impact; and c) how can KPIs be monitored and reported with technical rigor, optimal transparency and affordably?  


For more information, contact Steve Swan.



About the writer 


Steve Swan, Safeguards Coordinator, UNEP
