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Bernado Andrade - Brazilian, Latin America and the Caribbean

2019 Ganador(a) | Architect | Brazilian

The Brazilian semi-arid region is characterized by a dry climate and little rain, with long periods of drought. Families have limited access to water. The soil conditions also make it difficult to produce food that guarantees adequate nutrition and health, especially for children and houses are often constructed without technical support. Our bioconstruction project called “Casa do Semiárido” aims to promote sustainable local development, by constructing houses more suited to the Northeast region of Brazil. The houses mimic natural phenomena to enhance performance and are constructed entirely from natural materials, such as earth and wood, with natural lighting and cooling integrated. The principles of permaculture ensure that all elements of the design supply are recycled or reused, and food is also produced at the home, with water captured, stored, properly managed, and reused. We aim to bring together government, community, private companies and academic institutions to produce high-value food supplies for families. The Semiárid House will provide, clean water, food, comfortable shelter for the family, while bringing the community together by the shared knowledge and work.

As a student in 2012, I spent a month at the company, Earthship Biotecture in New Mexico. It builds off-grid homes using recycled materials. Back in Brazil, I won a research scholarship to adapt the technique to our region. In 2015, as an architect, I decided to build the first “Earthship” in Brazil, a solar passive house, based on my studies of natural materials. The house is a laboratory and training site for students and enthusiasts on sustainable self-construction and partnering with private companies.

Descargo de responsabilidad: NOTA: Este contenido fue compartido en línea para el ciclo 2019 del programa Jóvenes Campeones de la Tierra y no ha sido actualizado. Este listado no constituye una aprobación ni vinculación alguna por parte del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente..

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