UNEP’s Environment Security work focuses on understanding how environmental degradation and climate change interact with peace and security dynamics ensuring that effective measures are put in place

to protect the environment, ensure resilience to climate change, and promote peace in politically complex and fragile contexts.

UNEP achieves these two goals through:

Analysis: what is the state of the environment, how it is changing, what are the drivers and pressures, what are the linkages between environmental degradation, peace, security, and stability, what are priority concerns, how do specific environmental changes impact people and conflict/peace dynamics.

Solution-design: Identifying good environmental practices to address priority issues (e.g. ecosystem restoration, natural resource government mechanisms and agreements, infrastructure for water storage and harvesting…)

Support to implementation: Identifying partners and donors, forming and managing partnerships; convening, process-design, managing and negotiating hurdles with political sensitivity.

Environment Security Highlights

Sagal Abshir

Head, Environment Security Unit