Программа ООН по окружающей среде

GEO for Business

The launched Global Environment Outlook for Business briefs look at the GEO findings through a business lens. Written ‘by business for business’, the briefs bring the science of the GEO to the business community to support them in developing plans, business strategies, technology pathways, mechanisms and enablers towards building a green and circular economy. 

GEO for Business was led by a high-level Advisory Committee of major business and non-governmental organizations working on the environment. These short and stimulating products will be supporting UNEP’s priority for the super year for Nature while providing ‘how-to guides’ for business on specific environmental issues. The five thematic briefs covered three systemic areas: food, waste and infrastructure were published throughout 2021. They are as follows:

  1. Adapt to survive: Business transformation in a time of uncertainty
  2. The role of business in moving from linear to circular economies
  3. The role of business in transforming food systems
  4. Future-proofing infrastructure for climate resilience
  5. Changing finance, financing change

These Business Briefs are meant to be practical and solutions-oriented and are targeted at small to medium-sized enterprises that may be operating with the supply chains of large multinationals and are exposed to international trade or only supply domestic markets. The Briefs were drafted by expert authors from the business community and published by UNEP and its partners. These briefs are expected to share practical information and knowledge, and hopefully stimulate transformational change at the scale and in the timeframes that are so clearly outlined in GEO-6.

Please see the GEO for Business Brochure  and GEO for Business Video for more information.