Edoardo Zandri

Chief of Service, Early Warning and Assessment Division (EWAD)


Ed is Task Manager, Biodiversity of Natural Resources at the UN Environment Division of GEF (Global Environment Facility) Coordination. He is in charge of managing and developing a portfolio of projects in flyway and migratory species conservation and ecosystem services, in collaboration with other UN Environment divisions and external partners. He joined UN Environment/DGEF in 2009 after his assignment as Chief Technical Advisor of the innovative UN Environment/GEF "African-Eurasian Flyways" regional project.

He has over 18 years of project management experience, largely with full-size GEF projects implemented by the World Bank, UNDP and UNOPS. His hands-on and in-country management skills were gained in Yemen (UNDP/GEF Socotra Programme, 7 years), Jordan (WB/GEF Dana Wildlands, 3 years), Cape Verde (UNDP/GEF Areas Protegidas, 1 year), and Uganda (UNDP/FAO/EU Queen Elizabeth NP and WB/GEF set-up of the Bwindi IF Conservation Trust Fund, 2 years) as well as short-term work for various other agencies in Oman (IUCN), Romania, China and Armenia (WB/GEF), Botswana (EU), Ecuador (UNDP) the Philippines (NGO), and Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Turkey, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, South Africa and Tanzania (UN Environment/UNOPS/GEF).

Ed has an academic degree in Tropical Ecology and Tropical Agricultural Sciences from the University of Florence, Italy. His professional career has a strong focus on biodiversity conservation, working with local communities for the set-up and management of protected area networks in developing countries.

Staff Position Level: D1
Region: Western European & Others

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