Mercury laboratory databank

In Chemicals & pollution action

The global Mercury Laboratory Databank will list laboratories from all UN regions capable of analyzing mercury species in biotic (human hair, human urine, human cord blood, fish, etc.) and/or abiotic (ambient air, water, soil and sediment, etc.) matrices.

It is being established by UNEP in close cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and the Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) within the framework of the project "Development of a Plan for Global Monitoring of Human Exposure to and Environmental Concentrations of Mercury", funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

This tool will be accessible online and periodically updated. It will serve as a resource for stakeholders, including governments, seeking to identify laboratories proficient in certain types of mercury analysis. Participation is without costs for laboratories.

If your laboratory undertakes mercury analysis and you are interested to register, please complete the following questionnaire and send it back to us at science.chemicals[at]

  • EN: Questionnaire_Mercury Laboratory Databank
  • FR: Questionnaire_Base de données de laboratoires analysant le mercure
  • SP: Cuestionario para laboratorios analizando mercurio
In Chemicals & pollution action