• Overview

World Evangelical Alliance is the third largest historic Christian organization in the world with a network of local churches in 129 nations. The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), provide a world-wide identity, voice, and platform to more than 600 million evangelical Christians around the world. 

For the purpose of discussing the strategy and outlook of the WEA in the coming years, the Global Leadership convenes from the 25th to the 27th of February 2020 in Bonn, Germany. WEA is convinced that the Sustainable Development Goals cannot be achieved without the involvement of faith-based communities. Therefore, WEA expressly appreciates and welcomes the Faith for Earth Initiative of the United Nations Environment Program. The WEA has repeatedly called for a good care of creation. The WEA Sustainability Center and the WEA Creation Care Task Force work together towards good creation stewardship. Numerous local and national evangelical alliances as well as churches work on issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals. The WEA seeks to further increase the impact and visibility of this commitment on different levels. 

Faith for Earth will be addressing the WEA leadership on issues related to global efforts on bringing religions and environmental issues closer as an innovative approach to solving environmental issues. Faith for Earth will be calling the leadership of WEA to endorse and join the Faith for Earth Coalition and engage in a policy dialogue with the environment parliament of the world, the United Nations Environment Assembly. WEA and Faith for Earth will be meeting as a joint effort with heads of UN organizations with offices in Bonn to discuss the sustainable development agenda and the role of faith communities.