21 Sep 2017 News

Meeting on Sub-Regional Pilot Study for the Eastern Mediterranean on Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) in Relation to Fisheries

The Meeting on the Sub-Regional Pilot Study for the Eastern Mediterranean on Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) in Relation to Fisheries took place in Athens, Greece, on 20-21 September 2017.

The purpose of the Meeting was to take stock of relevant General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) and UN Environment / Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) legislative frameworks and to review specific sub-regional monitoring needs in relation to NIS Fish Species. It discussed and provided guidance on the way forward to develop a Sub-Regional NIS common indicator monitoring plan in relation to selected fish species (including a sub-regional NIS Fish Species List to monitor). Further input in the in the direction of the development of a the plan will be provided by the meeting of the joint GFCM-UN Environment / MAP sub-regional expert group, to be held in March 2018.

The Pilot Study, supported by the EcAp-MED II, EU-financed project, is a joint initiative of the GFCM and UN Environment/MAP. As such, it represents a significant process, not only in relation to substantial sub-regional coordination on a sensitive issue in a politically highly charged sub-region (including Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, and Turkey) but also in relation to regional ocean governance.