15 Apr 2014 News

Launch of consultation on the MSSD Review

At their 18th Ordinary Meeting in December 2013, the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention requested the Secretariat to the Barcelona Convention / Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) to launch the review process of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD), adopted in 2005. The Plan Bleu Regional Activity Centre (PB/RAC) was also requested to support the process through the provision of monitoring information and reporting data on the MSSD implementation, including from relevant programmes in the Mediterranean region that have an impact on MSSD outcomes. PB/RAC was also entrusted with the coordination of the consultation and drafting phases of the review process.

The consultation process on the assessment of the MSSD and on the potential issues and vision for MSSD 2.0 is open. To facilitate the process, a consultation document providing background elements, proposals, and questions to be addressed has been prepared.

To take part in the consultation, please send by e-mail your comments and answers to the questions provided in the document to atila.uras@unepmap.org and jletellier@planbleu.org.

Participants are also encouraged to register on the MSSD revision platform so as to enable their involvement in the next phases of the process.

The MSSD review is being carried out under the supervision of the Steering Committee of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD). The revised MSSD will be submitted for approval by the 16th Meeting of the MCSD before being submitted for the consideration bythe meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention.


Click here to access the MSSD revision platform