06 Nov 2019 News

Conservation of Cetaceans - UNEP/MAP takes part in the 7th Meeting of the Parties to ACCOBAMS

Photo: Grampus griseus, Ligurian sea © Arte/Scienza Archive

Deputy Coordinator Tatjana Hema represented UNEP/MAP in the 7th Meeting of the Parties to ACCOBAMS – the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area –, which was held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 5-8 November 2019.

The Meeting of the Parties to ACCOBAMS reviewed progress in the implementation of the agreement since the last MOP held in Monaco in 2016.

ACCOBAMS and UNEP/MAP have been working together to achieve and maintain a favorable conservation status for cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea, including through the monitoring of cetaceans, and enhancing the effective conservation of cetacean critical habitats. The Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (SPA/RAC) notably serves as the Sub-Coordination Unit of ACCOBAMS in the Mediterranean.

In her statement, Ms. HEMA congratulated ACCOBAMS Secretariat on efforts in the field of noise monitoring in the context of the implementation of the Integrated monitoring and assessment Programme of the Barcelona Convention.

Ms. Hema also informed the Meeting that the Joint Cooperation Strategy on spatial-based protection and management measures for marine biodiversity among the secretariats of ACCOBAMS, GFCM, IUCN-MED and UNEP/MAP has been amended and will be submitted for consideration by the 21st Meeting of the Barcelona Convention Contracting Parties (COP21).

The aim of the Joint Cooperation Strategy is to contribute to the achievement of SDG 14 in the Mediterranean, in particular Targets 14.2, 14.5, 14.7 and the CBD Aichi Target 11. The strategy will also ensure a coordinated application of the precautionary principle, the Ecosystem Approach and spatial-based protection of marine biodiversity.

For information on ACCOBAMS: https://www.accobams.org