17 Jun 2019 Editorial

World Refrigeration Day - Webinar on Refrigerants for Life, 26 June 2019

UN Environment OzonAction, American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), and the World Refrigeration Day Secretariat are in partnership in campaigning for the first World Refrigeration Day (WRD), on 26 June 2019 with the theme:


During the first half of the 20th Century, mankind invented fluorinated refrigerants, based on the advancement of chemistry and mechanical engineering. However, refrigerants were known much earlier but were mostly using ice or other non-fluorinated refrigerants, such as Carbon Dioxide or Ammonia or Hydrocarbons, but with very limited use in terms of residential or industry applications. Over the last three decades, the world realized that the safest and efficient refrigerants, that were used for decades, are now contributing negatively to global warming and ozone depletion and threatening life on the planet in the long term. Due to this, industry and governments engaged in legal and research processes to find alternatives to control the emissions of refrigerants while maintaining the pace of human development and lifestyle.

The Montreal Protocol is a living example of international success in combatting the depletion of the ozone layer through phasing out ozone depleting substances (ODSs) including ozone depleting refrigerants as well as phasing down the higher-GWP refrigerants as per the Kigali Amendment.

Whether you are an individual, government, private sector, institution, NGO, etc., you may use any of the following material to join the campaign for WRD.

The following are material you may download for this event:

• Stickers English | French | Spanish

• Posters English | French | Spanish | Russian

• Leaflets English | French | Spanish | Russian

WEBINAR ON WEDNESDAY 26 JUNE 2019 - 9:00 - 10:30 EDT 

This Webinar, on World Refrigeration Day (WRD), on Refrigerants for Life and how they affect modern life, intends to capture the overall global picture of policies, research, and trends of using refrigerants in different applications while presenting the role of industry, governments, and individuals in ensuring the Responsible Use of Refrigerants.

You may join the International Webinar on 26 June 2019 entitled “Refrigerants for Life: How Refrigerants affect Modern Life”, Click below to register:


For any further information regarding this event, please contact:

Ayman El-Talouny
Montreal Protocol Programme Officer
Email: Ayman.Eltalouny@un.org