Celebrating World Ozone Day Around the Globe

Commemorating '32 Years and Healing' around the globe

The Secretary-General's World Ozone Day message

Next week, the world will gather at United Nations Headquarters in New York for the Climate Action Summit, which aims to generate a massive step-up in global ambition in addressing the climate emergency. Another year of record heatwaves, superstorms and climate disruption tells us we have no choice but to act now before it is too late.  Read more...   English | Arabic  |  Chinese  | French | Spanish  | Russian

UNEP Executive Director's World Ozone Day message

                                                      OZONE DAY - COUNTRY ACTIVITIES


On 16th September 2019, the World Ozone Day was celebrated in the Queen Palace of Babur Garden, this event was  attended  by  more  than  270    participants  including  H.E  Director-General,  Respected  Deputy  Director-General, the Directors of Different Divisions, and provincial Directors of the National Environmental Protection. Read more...


The  commemoratives  activities  that  the  National  Ozone  Unit,  has  undertaken  this  year,  followed  a specific preliminary programme which has been  drafted with the overarching aim to be inclusive  and massive. The pivotal schedules of this communication and commemoration strategy, consisted in: Gender focused events; Highly impact means of communication -Television; Art-inter alia Classical Music, Highly ranked Private and Public Institutions; Vocational School; Cleaning up activities.  Read more...


In commemoration of World Ozone Day, the National Ozone Unit, Algeria, organised a series of events and presentations.  Read more...    


“Para conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Preservación de la Capa de Ozono, la Unidad Nacional de Ozono en Argentina ha producido un video sobre la implementación del Protocolo de Montreal en Argentina. Se puede ver en la página de Facebook del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible del Gobierno.” Video link: https://www.facebook.com/AmbienteNacion/videos/742798862847356/


In 2019 the representatives of the Climate Change and Ozone Center (CCOC) in cooperationwith the SOCAR (State Oil Company if the Azerbaijan Republic)   organized activities andprograms of awareness raising events, devoted to the International Day for the Preservation ofthe Ozone Layer, September 16. Read more...


To mark the World Ozone Day (WOD) on 16th September 2019 with the theme “32 Years and Healing” Bhutan celebrated this important day throughout the nation in collaboration with Dzongkhag Officials, Scouts Associations and Students. The objective of taking this program nationwide was to create mass awareness on this important issue to the people in the remote areas. Further, much importance was given to the students with a hope that they would convey the message on this important issue. Read more...


En date du 16 septembre 2019, le Burundi s’est joint à d’autres pays du monde entier pour célébrer la journée internationale de la protection de la couche d'ozone. Les activités marquant cette journée se sont déroulées dans les enceintes du BEST OUTLOOK HOTEL sous le patronage du Ministre de l’Environnement, de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage. Les festivités de cette journée ont vu la participation des Honorables Parlementaires, Monsieur Moussa Barry en charge des programmes au PNUE, le secrétaire permanent au ministère en charge de l’environnement, les Directeurs généraux, les Directeurs, les cadres du ministère en charge de l’environnement, les cadres du ministère de commerce, les cadres de l’OBR(Office Burundais des Recettes) en charge de la douane et les Représentants des ateliers/société œuvrant dans le domaine du froid provenant dans les différentes provinces du pays.  Lire la suite


A preservação ambiental é uma preocupação que decorre naturalmente da missão do Centro de Energias Renováveis e Manutenção Industrial (CERMI), que procura, a todos os níveis, ajudar a projectar o desenvolvimento sustentável de Cabo Verde, contribuindo igualmente para a sustentabilidade do Planeta.

A instituição busca, por isso, criar essa sensibilidade, razão pela qual promoveu ontem, 16 de Setembro, endereçada formandos da Formação de Formadores da CEDEAO em francês que está a ser realizada no CERMI, uma palestra centrada na preservação da Camada de Ozono, por ocasião do dia internacional dedicado a essa problemática.  Read more...


The Meeting to Commemorate the 2019 International Ozone Day was held in Jinan, Shandong Provinceon September 16. Mr. Li Ganjie, Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Mr. Gong Zheng, Governor of Shandong Province, Ms. Tina Birmpili, Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat, and Mr. Eduardo Ganem, Chief Officer of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocolattended and addressed the meeting.  Read more...


Colombia's Unidad Técnica Ozono, Direccion de Asuntos Ambientales Sectorial y Urbana, have prepared a number of activities for World Ozone Day.  Click here to view the list of activities.


La I Feria Internacional de Tecnologías Verdes en el Sector de Refrigeración y aire acondicionado, enmarcada dentro de la celebración del Día Internacional para la Preservación de la Capa de Ozono: 16 de setiembre. Además, forma parte de los esfuerzos que el país hace por cumplir con compromisos internacionales en materia ambiental tales como: la Enmienda de Kigali al Protocolo de Montreal, la Agenda 2030 y el Acuerdo de París. Read more...


La Journée Mondiale de la Protection de la Couche d’Ozone a été célébrée cette année, en Côte d’Ivoire, dans la Région de la ME, précisément dans la ville de Yakassé-Attobrou.Organisée par le Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable, à travers le BureauNationalOzone(Projet Ozone),et en collaboration avec l’ONU-Environnement, la célébration a duré 3 jours, du 14 au 16 septembre 2019. Lire la suite...

Message du Gouvernement a l'occasion de la Celebration de la Journée Mondiale de la Protection de la Couche d'Ozone  lire la suite... [article par Le Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable]


Las actividades realizadas por el día Mundial para la Protección de la capa de ozono en la República de Cuba, se desarrollaron tanto en la capital como en capitales de provincias, municipios, empresas, comunidades, escuelas, y demás centros de trabajo y estudio con una participación masiva, donde estuvieron presentes importantes representaciones de la Dirección del gobierno, de los ministerios, empresas, delegaciones provinciales, organismos, institutos, universidades, técnico, trabajadores, estudiantes y pueblo en general. Lee ademas...


Dans son adresse à la nation, à l’occasion de la journée mondiale de la protection de la couche d’Ozone, célébrée chaque 16 septembre,  le ministre de l’Environnement et Développement durable, Claude Nyamugabo a lancé un appel pathétique pour la protection de cette couche, qui préserve l’homme du rayonnement solaire ultraviolet, considéré comme cancérigène.  Read more... [article by EnviroNews]


El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de la República Dominica en conmemoración del treinta dos aniversario de la firma del Protocolo de Montreal para preservación de la Capa de Ozono y la celebración del Día Internacional de la Capa de Ozono, que reconoce los esfuerzos de los países Partes del Convenio de Viena y el Protocolo de Montreal por la restauración de la capa de ozono y el compromiso mundial en la lucha contra el cambio climático, por la eliminación del 99 por ciento de cerca de 100 Sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono que ha evitado la emisión a la atmósfera de más de 135.000 millones de toneladas dióxido de carbono de equivalente.  Read more...


Este 16 de septiembre celebramos el Día Internacional de la Capa de Ozono. ¡Cuidar tu planeta es una buena manera de celebrarlo! #DíaDelOzono - Read more...


Informe de actividades sobre la celebración de 32 años de recuperación de la capa de ozono para el Día Internacional del Ozono en el Municipio de Morales, Izabal durante el mes de septiembre de 2019, organizado por el Departamento para el Manejo Ambientalmente Racional de Productos Químicos y Desechos Peligrosos en Guatemala Área del Protocolo de Montreal. Lee ademas...


The National Ozone Action Unit in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency conducted public awareness outreaches in Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast for students and teachers on September 12 and 13. The activities were organised as part of Guyana’s national observance of World Ozone Day. Read more...

Public Awareness Outreach – East Bank Berbice


At an event to mark the World Ozone Day 2019 in New Delhi, Union Minister of State (MoS)for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Shri Babul Supriyo said  that the World OzoneDay offers an opportunity to focus global attention and action on the vital environmentalissue of protection of the stratospheric ozone Layer. Read more...


The National Planning and Environment Agency in Jamaica organised a series of activities to mark World Ozone Day. Activities comprised of: awareness raising visits to schools, give away items for children; Promotional material with Ozone Day theme, 32 Years of Healing; Radio interviews; Jamaica Information Service experts Think Tank etc. Read more...


This year Ozone Center of Kyrgyzstan organized a number of activities for celebration of World Ozone   Day including special contest among school pupils interested in environment protection. During these activities information on depletion of ozone layer, Montreal Protocol on substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, sustainable development and environment protection were disseminated. Read more...


This Is How Lebanon Is Stepping Up to Help Heal the Ozone -
107 Lebanese factories have been converted into industries friendly to the ozone and the environment, and more on the way!

On the World Ozone Day, Minister of Environment Fadi Jreissati inaugurated the advanced vocational training center for refrigeration and air conditioning at the "Ecole des Arts et Métiers" in Dekwaneh.

The opening ceremony was attended by many prominent figures in the field, including the head of the National Ozone Unit of Lebanon, Mazen Hussein. Read more...


Engagements de Madagascar dans le Cadre de la Célébration de la Journée Mondiale de la Protection de la Couche d’Ozone 2019 et du 32ème Anniversaire du Protocole de Montréal, Lundi 16 septembre 2019. Lire la suite...

RelatedRapport de celebration de la Journée Mondiale de la Protection de la Couche d'Ozone 2019 de Madagascar 


En coordinación con la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) se estará difundiendo una nota de prensa, una línea del tiempo https://www.gob.mx/semarnat/prensa/mexico-ha-eliminado-el-99-de-las-sustancias-agotadoras-de-la-capa-de-ozono-sao-217270 (y un Cómic, https://issuu.com/enmiendakigalimexico.semarnat/docs/comic_ozono_vf?fbclid=IwAR1ykefIYixcXKV6qZZcY8wucU8o1xwwRzRnQyFiSaDo1CshL2VEOYJkK9k tanto en redes sociales como en la página web.  Lee ademas...


On occasion of the World Ozone Day in this year, National Ozone Authority (NOA) of Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MOET) held a press conference in the ‘Khaan’ conference room of MOET. HE Batbayar Ts., Vice Minister of Environment and Tourism, Prof. Adiyasuren Ts., Director of NOA, Mr.Batdorj Ts., Director of TVET Assessment center of Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and Dr. Enkh-Amgalan Sh., Director of ‘Master Skills’ training center which operates under Mongolian HVAC-R Association, participated in the press conference and gave information to public through media.  Read more...


Célébrée le 16 septembre de chaque année, la journée internationale de la protection de la couche d’ozone est une occasion de souligner au Maroc comme ailleurs, l’importance de la conjugaison des efforts des différents intervenants pour sa préservation efficace et efficiente.

Cette journée se veut aussi une occasion pour mettre en évidence les efforts menés pour la protection de la couche d’ozone et du climat dans le cadre du Protocole de Montréal, considéré comme un bel exemple de réussite en matière de collaboration internationale et l’un des premiers traités à atteindre l'objectif d'une ratification universelle. Lire la suit... [article par Quid]


Namibia became signatory to the Montreal Protocol in 1993, which sought to control and phase out ozone-depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons, methyl bromide and hydrochlorofluorocarbons.

Speaking at the commemoration event under the theme ‘32 years and Healing’ here, Deputy Minister of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Lucia Iipumbu said since joining the protocol, Namibia has established a national ozone unit within the directorate of industrial development in the ministry to oversee the implementation of Namibia’s obligation to the Montreal Protocol. Read more... [article by Lela]


Nepal  Bureau  of  Standard  and  Meteorology (NBSM),  National  ozone  Unitcelebrates  32ndinternational ozone day through different programto create an awareness. The scheduled program to mark this important day were: 1.Speech competition and drawing competition at the school level. 2. Rally around the major area of a city. 3. Interview of DirectorGeneralof NBSMin a media. Read more...


Nicaragua organiza el Primer Congreso Internacional en Amor por nuestra Madre Tierra.
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A l’instar de la communauté internationale, le Niger a célébré le 16 septembre 2019, la JIPCO sous le thème «32 ans et en voie de guérison». Plusieurs activités ont marqué cette journée.

1. La reproduction et la publication des affiches (posters) Le Bureau National Ozone a reproduit deux cent vingt (220) exemplaires des affiches (en ville et en forêt) conçues par le Secrétariat Exécutif de l’Ozone. Ces affiches ont été diffusées dans les huit (8) régions du pays comme support des activités de communication et de sensibilisation du public. Read more...

View vidéo de le célébration de la JIPCO, Niger 2019


World  Ozone  Day  2019  was  celebrated  in  Pakistan  with  same  spirit  and  enthusiasm.  The National ozone Unit (NOU), Ministry of Climate Change planned elaborated activities. This included wide distribution of UNEP posters published on the theme, all across the country to relevant stakeholders including public and private sector institutions and organizations. 

The  stakeholders  where  urged  upon  to  display  these  poster  prominently  and  get  involved  in the celebration.  Read more...


Actividades en el marco de la celebracion del día Mundial del Ozono organizadas por el Ministerio de Saludunidad Nacional de Ozono de Panama. Lee ademas...


En el marco del día Día Internacional de la Protección de la Capa de Ozono durante la Semana de Acción Climática, el Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADES), a través de la Dirección General del Aire (DGA), otorgó el Premio Nacional Empresa Amigable con la Capa de Ozono tercera edición 2019 a organizaciones paraguayas que contribuyen a la aplicación de estrategias y acciones que apuntan a reducir y/o evitar la emisión a la atmósfera de las sustancias agotadoras de la Capa de Ozono (SAO), en sistemas de refrigeración y aire acondicionado. Lee ademas...


En conmemoración al Día Internacional de la Preservación de la Capa de Ozono, el Ministerio de la Producción a través de la Dirección General de Asuntos Ambientales de Industria organizó el Seminario de Difusión “Oportunidades y desafíos en el sector de la refrigeración y aire acondicionado para promover el consumo de sustancias de bajo potencial de calentamiento atmosférico”, cuyo objetivo fue continuar con los esfuerzos realizado por el Perú en promover el consumo de gases refrigerantes alternativos de bajo potencial de calentamiento atmosférico en el sector de la refrigeración y aire acondicionado.  Lee ademas


To mark World Ozone Day, an event was held in Belgrade bringing together pupils, teachers and the Principal of the Vocational Technical School "Novi Beograd“, students and professors from Department of  Thermotechnics, University of Belgrade, servicing technicians, equipment importers, licenced engineers, representatives from Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Serbia, members of the Serbian HVAC&R Society –and all parties involved in, or responsible for ozone layer protection.  Read more...

Related: https://www.energetskiportal.rs/u-beogradu-obelezen-medunarodni-dan-ozonskog-omotaca/
Photos of WOD event: https://mega.nz/#F!h1hXRACC!fqLQDfAf2kEhO3h6OLIDVA


South Africa joins the global community in commemorating the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer on 16 September 2019.

The ozone layer is important for life on earth, as it absorbs most of the harmful Ultraviolet-B radiation from the sun and filters out lethal ultraviolet (UV-C radiation). The amount of ozone above the surface of the earth differs with location, depending on time scales that range from daily to seasonal. The variants are caused by the stratospheric winds and the chemical production and destruction of ozone. Read more...


The National ceremony of the “World Ozone Day –2019” was organized by the Ozone Unit of Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment on 16.09.2019 at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute to mark the 32nd anniversary of the Montreal Protocol. The event was held under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency the President of Sri Lanka Maithreepala Sirisena, as the chief guest and with the participation of several other distinguished personals including Hon.Ajith Mannapperuma, State Minister of Mahaweli Development and Environment, Hon. M.J.M. Musammil, Governor of the Western Province, Mr. Udaya Seveviratna,Secretary to HE the President, Secretaries to other Ministries, heads of government departments, and statutory authorities. Read more... 


On September 16, every year, the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is celebrated in the Republic of Tajikistan among the experts and public in the sphere of various activities.

In honour of this date, on September 16 2019, the Committee for Environmental protection under the government of the Republic of Tajikistan together with the United Nations Development Programme in Tajikistan organized a propaganda event. Read more...


In preparation for the aforementioned  event,  the  National  Ozone Unit  (NOU) in collaboration with the  National Directorate for Climate  Change  (NDCC) organized an awareness-raising program during which two different high-schools were visited in order to share information about the World Ozone Day including climate change impact.  The awareness program was conducted in Saint  Magdalene and  Saint Peter High School on 5th-6th September 2019 which was composted of presentation and question and answer session.  Read more...


The  National  Ozone Unit under the Department of Climate Change of MEIDECC commemorated the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer under the theme ‘32 Years and Healing’, this morning at Hilliard Memorial School.

Head of the National Ozone Unit, Mr Uikelotu Vunga said, it is indeed a blessing for the Kingdom of Tonga to join other islands in the Pacific as well as most industrial countries in the world in commemorating this momentous day. Read more...


In 2019, UNDP Ukraine joined the global celebrations of the World Ozone Day and focused its outreach activities on the awareness-raising in social media, including climate change social media campaign, Ozone Action awareness-raising campaign, video adjustment, translation and dissemination of the Secretary-General's message on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer among Ukrainian population through UNDP Ukraine website etc.  Read more...


The National contest of creative works “The Ozone Layer and Me” - This year’s celebration of the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer in Uzbekistan incorporated 4 contests and a lecture about the Ozone layer preservation. Read more...


En busca de impulsar la sensibilización ambiental en la opinión pública, el “Día Mundial de la Capa de Ozono” se convierte en una fecha propic ia para ampliar las estrategias comunicacionales que fomenten el compromiso para cuidar el ambiente, los seres vivos y todo lo que compone el planeta tierra. Read more...


This year, Vietnam celebrated the World Ozone Dayand held a Kick-off workshop for Vietnam's Phase-out Management Plan Phase II in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Attending the ceremony were more than 200 delegates from state management agencies, organizations, research institutes, mass organizations, businesses and experts in the field. Many news agencies came to film and report on the event such as VTV1, VTC, VOV,... and various newspapers. Read more...


Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement Minister Perrance Shiri, in a statement read on his behalf at the ongoing Zimbabwe Agricultural Show by the ministry’s climate change scientist Mr Tatenda Mutasa, said Zimbabwe had lined up a number of awareness programmes.

“On September 16, my ministry will hold a symposium in Chinhoyi to enlighten stakeholders on activities underway to protect the ozone layer and combat climate change,” he said.  Read more...  [article by The Herald]