
CEP Technical Report 80

CEP Technical Report 80

The LBS Protocol: Difficulties and Challenges in the Countries Participating in the Project GEF CReW

The Regional Activity Centre for Land-based Sources of Marine Pollution (LBS/RAC-Cimab) Protocol was contracted by the Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit of the United Nations Environment Program (CAR-RCU/UNEP) to carry out the study that gives title to this report in the four Spanish-speaking countries involved in the Project GEF CReW: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama.

This report presents the results of the activities carried out to achieve the objectives from 1 to 4, are the following:

  • Preparation of questionnaires and coordination with the LBS Focal Points of the Spanish-speaking countries involved in the Project GEF CReW and the focal points of the project in the respective countries. Questionnaires designed for this study are shown in Annex. Were considered two questionnaires, one concerning the major challenges that faced the countries with the management of domestic wastewater and to know the main areas of assistance (financial and technical) that could offer the Project GEF CReW, and the second questionnaire was on the main problems or difficulties of the countries for the ratification of the Protocol of Landbased Sources of Marine Pollution (LBS) and also with the aim of identifying actions to help comply with the obligations established by the Protocol, in particular in Annex III (domestic wastewater).
  • Working missions to countries involved in the study (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama). Interviews with the actors implicated in the process of ratification / accession at each country (LBS Protocol and the GEF CReW Project focal points), as well as in the process of domestic wastewater management.
  • Collection and analysis of the results of the questionnaires / interviews conducted during the working missions to countries
