28 Oct 2019 Blogpost

Norwegian Retailers' Environment Fund pledges NOK 20 million for international projects to reduce plastic pollution

The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund announces NOK 20 million for projects to reduce plastic pollution outside Norway. Countries with major plastic pollution challenges and limited resources will be prioritised. Applications open on the 15th of October, and the announcement is open to both Norwegian and international actors.

- Plastic pollution and inefficient use of plastics grow to become such an enormous problem that huge efforts will be required to solve it. For this to be possible we need the best actors with the brightest ideas. That is the goal of our announcements, says Rasmus Hansson, CEO of the Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund

Norwegian plastic bag sales support international projects
The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fund is granting NOK 100 million in 2019, and in 2020 this may rise to NOK 200 million. The Fund receives NOK 0,5 for every plastic bag member retailers sell in Norway. Up to half of the grants may be used for international projects.

- Many countries have both a high consumption of single use plastics and a mismanaged system for handling plastic waste, resulting in vast pollution problems. Norway has a shared responsibility for, and an interest in contributing to the reduction of plastic pollution outside of Norway. International projects will be an increasing priority for the Fund, says Hansson.

For more information and how to apply, please visit: https://handelensmiljofond.no/en/nok-20-million-to-reduce-plastic-pollution