Lewis Pugh

Ocean Advocate, Patron of the Oceans


An ocean advocate and a pioneer swimmer, Lewis Pugh is a leading figure in efforts to protect the oceans. He was the first person to complete a long-distance swim in every ocean of the world and has pioneered more swims around famous landmarks than any other person in history. Through his athletic feats, he highlights the melting of the Arctic sea ice and draws attention to the melting glaciers in the Himalayas and the impact the reduced water supply will have on world peace. His tireless efforts have earned him South Africa and France’s highest honours and international recognition.

Lewis Pugh completed a 507km swim down the United States’ Hudson River in September 2023, a month-long endurance test designed to shine a spotlight on the world’s rivers and the benefits of cleaning up long-neglected waterways.

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根据联合国生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台,人类活动对75%的土地,66%的海洋和85%的地球湿地产生了负面影响。联合国报告同时敲响了气候警钟,地球正处于临界点,一旦突破了这一临界点,自然为所有生命提供商品和服务的能力将可能无法恢复。 More


在结束了长途跋涉的残酷征程,刘易斯·皮尤破纪录地横跨了“英吉利海峡”。他激动地挥拳庆祝,用力地拍了拍多佛的海港墙,随后,又“一猛子”扎入海水中,让自己因极限挑战而长期磨损的残躯再次沉没在波涛汹涌的海浪中。 More


他曾在世界上最冰冷的水域游泳,人称“人类北极熊”,但当他声明自己即将开始职业生涯中最艰难的一次游泳时,是时候坐下来予以关注了。 More