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Shady Rabab - Egyptian, Africa

2018 Победитель | | Egyptian

Shady’s  dream is to bring together children who are working as garbage collectors in Luxor and teach them how to make musical instruments from trash, and play music as a band. The project empowers children through the innovative use of waste, and uses art and music as a medium to nurture relationships between communities and families. Rabab Luxor Art Collective provides free weekly classes to a stigmatized group of 70 children in Luxor who work as waste collectors. They play together as the “Garbage Conservatoire Band”.

Shady is an Egyptian artist, musician, and musical instrument maker. He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Luxor with an MA in painting. He started an independent art collective that aims to support artists in Upper Egypt. He is a self-taught musician and maker of musical instruments. He now moved to Canada to learn more about music, and to be able to have the knowledge to upcycle musical instruments through 3D printing it.

Отказ от ответственности: ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: данный текст был размещен в рамках ежегодного конкурса «Молодые чемпионы Земли» за 2019 год и с тех пор не обновлялся. Данный текст не представляет собой специального одобрения со стороны Программы ООН по окружающей среде *.

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