Программа ООН по окружающей среде

The REAL project

In Resource efficiency

The Resource Efficiency through Application of Life cycle thinking (REAL) project had the objective to integrate resource efficiency in global value chains, by using a life cycle approach. The project developed resources and enhanced capacities around the globe for generating and applying life cycle data and Life Cycle Thinking (LCT), while demonstrating value from the approach. 

The REAL project focused on two key objectives: 

  • Improve life cycle data accessibility and interoperability by facilitating global cooperation around Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) database networking and national LCA database improvement; and, 

  • Build LCA capacity of policy makers and practitioners through in-person trainings and increased access to e-learning tools on LCT (e-learning courses, webinars, guidance reports, case studies, etc). 

The main achievements of the project include: 

  • Pilot projects in four countries (India, Thailand, Guatemala, and Nicaragua). Each project addressed the application of Life Cycle Thinking and tools in specific value chains (food, palm oil, and coffee).  

  • Technical Helpdesk for the development of National LCA Databases. The Helpdesk provides a step-by-step guide to set-up national or sector specific LCA database. It is developed based on the experience of LCA experts and several developing countries that have tested the LCA Database roadmap approach.  The Helpdesk contains links to engage with the broader LCA community and a Guide in the form of a manual is also available.  

  • E-learning courses on Life Cycle Thinking for policy makersbusinesses as well as a general introduction to LCT for the broader audience.  The courses are available is several languages (English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Portuguese) and contain interactive material such as videos, case studies, exercises. At the end of each course learners will be issued with a certificate of completion. 

  • The Global LCA Data Access Network (GLAD), launched in June 2020, is available to users wishing to easily search and access LCA databases. The platform aims to increase LCA data accessibility and interoperability. Working as a web-search engine, GLAD allows users to access and convert life cycle inventory datasets from independent providers. The majority of the globally available LCA datasets are now connected to GLAD. 

The REAL project was implemented by UNEP, with the financial support from the European Union (implementation period 2016-2020).  

Please contact Ms. Claudia Giacovelli for more information on the REAL project. 


In Resource efficiency