Программа ООН по окружающей среде
Terminal project evaluations

Terminal evaluation of the UNEP GEF project: Building scientific and technical capacity for effective management and sustainable use of dryl...

15 October 2010

This report is a terminal evaluation of a UNEP-GEF project implemented between 2007 and 2010. The project's objective was to strengthen the scientific and technical capacity for the effective management of the BRs through biodiversity-related research. The expected result was increased capacity for the conservation in the reserves and their buffer zones. The evaluation set out to assess the project management and performance, implementation / execution of activities, planned outputs against actual results and whether the project achieved its objective of strengthening scientific and technical capacity for effective management in the biosphere reserves ensuring the long-term conservation and sustainable use of their biodiversity. In addition, the TE reviewed the recommendations of the MTE and their implementation.