06 Oct 2017 Reportagem Direitos e governança ambiental

Rule of Law and Sustainable Development at China University of Political Science and Law

Invited by China University of Political Science and Law, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Director of UN Environment’s Law Division gave a guest lecture on Rule of Law for Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals and Ecological Civilization on 10 May 2017.  Professor Canfa Wang, Director of Research Centre of Environment and Natural Resource Law chaired the lecture, which was attended by the Masters and Doctoral students and teachers of environmental law, international law and international political science.

Ms. Mrema introduced the work of UN Environment, the United Nations Environment Assembly, recent developments in environmental rule of law and its role in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and her insights on rule of law for advancing China’s Ecological Civilization.

After her lecture, students actively discussed various issues of interest, including the relationship between sustainable development law and environmental law and global enforcement mechanisms for multilateral environmental agreements. The lecture, rich and inspiring, was greatly appreciated by the participating students.

Please see the link below for a press release by China University of Political Science and Law on Elizabeth's Guest Lecture (in Chinese). 

For more information contact: yangw[at]un.org