23 Sep 2016 Notícia Climate Action

Nations aim to reach an important agreement to protect the climate while continuing to preserve the ozone layer

23 September 2016 - The 197 parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer will meet in Kigali, Rwanda, in a bid to reach an important agreement that could prevent a global temperature rise of up to 0.5°C by the end of the century, while continuing to protect the ozone layer. They will work towards a possible amendment to the Montreal Protocol to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) - powerful greenhouse gases used as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances.

10 - 14 October 2016 Kigali Convention Centre, Kigali, Rwanda

13-14 October - High-Level Segment


Ministers and high-level representatives of parties to the Montreal Protocol will participate in two ministerial roundtable discussions on 13 and 14 October respectively during the high-level segment of the 28th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol. The discussions will focus on how Montreal Protocol parties can reach an agreement on a possible HFC amendment to the Protocol.


The accreditation process for foreign media travelling to Rwanda may take up to two weeks. You are kindly requested to register at the website of the Rwanda Media High Council at http://www.mhc.gov.rw/index.php?id=153 as soon as possible, to allow for processing of your accreditation in time.

Other important visa/travel information is available at http://conf.montreal-protocol.org/meeting/mop/mop-28/SitePages/Home.aspx.