Integrate environmental sustainability into the Sustainable Development Goals

In Environmental rights and governance

UN Environment implements interventions that support regional and national efforts on the Sustainable Development Goals, including integrating environment into UNDAFs and fostering coordinated decision making on environment at the regional level, which promotes a much stronger alignment to delivering on Agenda 2030, as well as the UN reform, and taking into account the lessons learned during the implementation of the previous projects.

We support member states, UN agencies, UN Country Teams, Regional UN Development Groups, Regional Economic Commissions, Regional Forums, UN Environment staff and other partners in implementing the environmental dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals at the global, regional and national levels, with a focus on enabling the use of environment sustainability as an entry point to support the balanced integration of the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

UN Environment further promotes the engagement by national institutions of women, youth and Indigenous People and Local Communities, including through their participation in national meetings and workshops and the provision of inputs into policies or strategies when relevant. Implementing partners and national institutions are briefed on the importance of taking into consideration gender roles and perspectives as well as the perspectives of under privileged and vulnerable groups in deliberations and preparations of policies and plans, with a focus on the guiding principle of the 2030 Agenda in leaving no-one behind.

In Environmental rights and governance