14 Nov 2017 Notícias Desastres e conflitos

Course on the environment-security nexus opens in London

A course titled “Peace and Security in the 21st Century: Understanding the Environment-Security Nexus” co-organized by UN Environment and the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies (@Parlicentre) opened this week in London.

Participants will acquire knowledge on environmental aspects of the international security regime from thematic focuses such as water security and climate change to questions of a legal and institutional framework of the nexus, and private sector involvement, improving their analytical skills and learning to create solutions to problems of environment and security at the national and global levels. This training supports the knowledge-based policy transformation initiative embarked upon by UN Environment. 

The course was opened by a video statement from UN Environment Executive Director Erik Solheim and a keynote speech by Rt. Hon. Dame Margaret Beckett, DBE, Member of the UK Parliament. 

“Increasingly, the environment has a role that I hope you can explore during the course in London: that of building peace after conflict”, said Erik Solheim.

Reflecting on the theme of the course, Dame Margaret Beckett said: “Throughout human history threats to food security, to water security, to energy security have led both to mass movements of peoples and to conflicts. I remain to be convinced why it should be different today”.

For more information contact leila.urekenova@un.org