Delivering effectively

In Sustainable Development Goals

We are working to ensure the effective delivery of the environmental dimensions of the 2030 Agenda.

Informing policy with science

We identify science that integrates social, economic and environmental considerations for policy and decision-making. We feed information from multiple stakeholders into data gathering, analysis and assessment processes at the national, regional and global levels. We are also evolving our public advocacy, awareness and outreach to mobilize all those who can influence the changes needed to achieve the SDGs.

Providing expert knowledge and technical assistance on the environment

We provide technical guidance and support for environmental governance, developing coherent laws and policies and their effective implementation. This is to ensure that countries have in place frameworks for environmental laws and institutions, and that environmental considerations underpin development policy.

Convening stakeholders to agree on global environmental norms

Access to information is a key condition for citizen participation, transparency and accountability in the 2030 Agenda. Significant efforts have been made to ensure that citizens, civil society, various levels of government and the private sector are consulted on the new agenda. We will continue creating and facilitating avenues for cooperation between the UN, governments, bilateral and multilateral agencies, companies and civil society organizations to initiate joint commitments and actions.

Integrating normative frameworks into UN Environment’s work

To deliver on the 2030 Agenda, the UN system needs to be innovative, agile, inclusive, and results-oriented. The UN system recognized the need for integrated, system-wide policies and strategies in support of the SDGs – policies that link normative frameworks with operational activities and encompass all UN activities. We are now integrating these normative frameworks – such as human rights, gender equality, and peace and security – into our work.

Using partnerships to increase impact

Effective sustainable development cooperation will require the formation of issue-based partnerships and platforms that bring together multiple stakeholders (governments, civil society and the private sector) to improve decision-making, strategic planning, service delivery, knowledge sharing, and collective monitoring and accountability at all levels.

Supporting the universal nature of the 2030 Agenda

We contribute to the UN’s efforts for system-wide coherence on sustainable development from an environmental perspective – with a focus on creating coherence in the way the UN system integrates the environmental dimension to implement normative guidance and environmental safeguards, and Delivering as One at the country level. Our work includes devising methods to review, learn and readjust to ensure that actions taken at the national and regional levels are linked to global targets.

Working in all global regions

A strengthened strategic regional presence will enable us work towards global consensus and policy coherence on the environmental dimension of sustainable development, while creatively pursuing opportunities and approaches at the regional level. By working at the regional level, we can foster effective partnerships, including through South-South and Triangular Cooperation and with the wider UN system through Delivering as One.

Addressing emerging issues

With our Frontiers report, we produce a careful and authoritative ranking of the most important emerging issues for the global environment, including those related to the implementation of the SDGs. The aim is keep the international community abreast of these issues, and help shape the work plans of all UN agencies.

In Sustainable Development Goals