
OzoNews, Volume XIX, 15 October 2019 issue

OzoNews, Volume XIX, 15 October 2019 issue

In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications 2. Ozone hole vigilance still required 3. Ozone layer viewpoints: from observation to public protection 4. Adopt ozone and climate friendly technologies - Kenya 5. First female technician in Western Cape [South Africa] to receive training in Bavaria 6. Prohibited ODS goods still exported (Fiji) 7. South-south cooperation looks to strengthen Pacific partnership 8. Customs seizes refrigerant chemicals worth P4m 9. National Halon Bank Environmental Policy- Australia 10. Poland takes decisive action against illegal trade of hydrofluorocarbons 11. Guidelines for safe handling flammable refrigerants - Asercom 12. Cooling is essential to modern life and it makes people’s lives better - AREA Vision 2025 13. ASHRAE Learning Institute offers training in Europe 14. Ozone layer protection on the agenda of Grenada Customs and Excise Division
