18 May 2020 Editorial

RAC Technician Videos - Full length films!


OzonAction is very pleased to release two ‘full length’ videos for refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) sector servicing technicians: on 1) Techniques, Safety and Best Practice and 2) Flammable Refrigerant Safety.

The OzonAction Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technician Video Series consists of instructional videos on techniques, security and best practice and flammable refrigerant safety. They are intended to serve as a complementary training tool RAC sector servicing technicians to help them revise and retain the skills they have acquired during hands-on training. The videos are not intended to replace structured formal technician training, but to supplement and provide some revision of tips and skills and to build on training already undertaken.

These videos are based on the successful UNEP OzonAction smartphone application, the “RAC Technician Video Series “app. This application has been downloaded on more than 86,000 devices since its launch.  

Following many requests to make the videos more versatile and better suited to classroom and training settings, OzonAction has responded to this demand and produced two ‘full-length’ instructional videos.

You may wish to share this message and the flyer with:
•    Your national/regional RAC associations
•    Training or vocational institutes
•    Master RAC trainers in your country
•    Any other interested national stakeholders

You can watch these videos on the OzonAction YouTube Channel:
•    Techniques, Safety and Best Practice - https://youtu.be/JNBgXqAWkwU  
•    Flammable Refrigerant Safety - https://youtu.be/PcioFs56T8g

The videos are also available for download by request from UNEP OzonAction: unep-ozonaction@un.org

If you prefer to access the video clips via the OzonAction smartphone application, just search for “RAC Technician Video Series” or UNEP in the Google Play Store and iTunes/App Store or scan the QR code – free to download!

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