06 Sep 2023 News

Artwork of 3rd place winners in Youth Drawing category of the 2022 Asia-Pacific Ozone2Climate Contest

Image by Sutat Palama, Thailand - 3rd place Adult Graphic Design - 2022 UNEP A…

UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 3rd place winners in the Youth Drawing category are displayed below. 

The competition was designed to increase public awareness about the importance of the Montreal Protocol for protecting human health and nature and to generate further support for the Protocol’s compliance objectives.

The contest was organized as part of UNEP’s mandate as an Implementing Agency of the Protocol’s Multilateral Fund.

Winner Youth Drawing 3rd place India_ S_Satapathy
3rd place in the Youth Drawing Category, "Earth without Ozone is like a Tree without Leaves” by Somesh Satapathy, India

This drawing was created on 30th March 2022 by Somesh Kumar Satapathy of Class 9 of Delhi Public School Kalinga, Cuttack, Odisha, India. In my artwork I have shown that how the ozone deflects the harmful rays of the sun. Here we people are the only ones who can save or protect ozone layer by Minimize the use of cars, By using electric car or solar car for travelling, by using cycle to travel nearby places, We should stop deforestation and should plant more trees, by not using cleaning products that are harmful to the environment and to us, Maintain air conditioners, as their malfunctions cause CFC to escape into the atmosphere, by not using CFC sprays or not burning coal, etc. To save our Earth, we all people who lives in the world have to come together and become as one. My artwork depicts the meaning of “Ozone: The foe of UV Gift to the mankind ""Save it , don't lose it”

Winner Youth Drawing 3rd Sri Lanka T_Weeraratne
3rd place in the Youth Drawing Category, "Let's Heal the Ozone Layer" by Theertha Weeraratne, Sri Lanka

We should continue doing eco-friendly activities such as growing trees, using eco-friendly products, using eco-friendly refrigerators to take care of the Environment. Then we can heal the ozone layer too.

Winner Youth Drawing 3rd Maldives_Nooraan Binthi Mohamed
3rd place in the Youth Drawing Category, "Out of Time" by Nooraan Binthi Mohamed, Maldives

Being a Maldivian I am one of the many people who will first experience the consequences of ozone depletion. Even now low-lying countries like Maldives, are sinking gradually as glaciers are melting and the sea level is rising. This painting portrays the above situation in its worst-case scenario due to the increase in release of HFC gases by appliances and objects used daily in almost every building throughout the world. This painting painted on paper with acrylics will hopefully give everyone who see it, an impression of how grave and irreversible the effects of ozone depletion is.