NOWPAP Quarterly

NOWPAP Quarterly 2017-Q4

NOWPAP Quarterly 2017-Q4

It was a busy period for NOWPAP Regional Activity Centers and Coordinating Unit that culminated in the 22nd NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting held on December 19-21 in Toyama, Japan. The meeting was a prime time to reflect on our common achievements of the year and consider future development to be shaped in the emerging Medium-Term Strategy 2018-2023. But most importantly, it was a time for our extended NOWPAP family to get together to share progress, views and aspirations for the regional mechanism. It was a successful meeting that resulted in the approval of a record NOWPAP budget, fully fledged work programs of our Regional Centers reflecting upon evolving regional environmental priorities, and the introduction of a new NOWPAP Special Projects modality among several important meeting decisions.