Specialized Reports

The GEO specialized reports provide scientific analysis on the environment and the implications for various stakeholders such as businesses, local government, policy makers and the youth. They are presented here with links to the underlying assessments.


GEO for Youth

The GEO-6 for Youth report is a one-stop-shop for a young person to understand the state of the environment, what they can do every day to drive markets to adopt environmentally sustainable products and services and how to develop their skills and choose environmentally sustainable careers.

GEO for Cities

GEO for Cities is a project set up by and for city people. Cities can be dynamic engines of economic and social development, offering higher wages, access to amenities and better education for those who move from rural to urban areas. But cities have huge environmental footprints and are also impacted significantly by environmental crises related to climate change

GEO for Business

The newly launched Global Environment Outlook for Business briefs look at the GEO findings through a business lens. Written ‘by business for business’, the briefs bring the science of the GEO to the business community to support them in developing plans, business strategies, technology pathways, mechanisms and enablers towards building a green and circular economy. 

Global Environment Outlook For Youth, Africa

This report is substantively built on the GEO-6 Regional Assessment for Africa. Themed on green jobs, this youth publication has been produced through the collaborative effort of more than 100 youth writers, photographers, artists, and reviewers from 30 African countries. Drawn from all of Africa’s six sub-regions, these young people provide a regional mosaic of practical ideas, insights, analyses, and experiences about the potential of Africa’s natural resources to generate multi-sectoral green jobs. As is articulated in the publication, this potential can only be fully tapped into through the initiative of youth themselves, with the support of policymakers and the private sector.

Global Environment Outlook 6 For Industry in Asia-Pacific

Asia and the Pacific’s unrelenting industrial development has been a driving force in the economic growth of scores of countries in the region and beyond. This shift has led to greater prosperity, increased urbanization and sustained population growth. Yet as the region has become the “world’s factory”, it is increasingly realizing not only the benefits but the challenges of industrial development. These challenges are often environmental in nature. The 6th Global Environment Outlook, showed us that sustainable development was at risk from a number of factors. This report, a special product of GEO-6, further examines how these environmental problems are caused - and can be addressed - by the region’s rapid industrialization.

Global Environment Outlook for Youth, Asia and the Pacific

The future always belongs to the next generation. This publication presents a clear and expansive picture of current environmental challenges for youth and young professionals with non-environmental backgrounds. It is a jumping-off point for those who want to do more for the planet and build their understanding of the environmental trends and challenges in Asia and the Pacific. Whereas conventional scientific publications can be technical and difficult to understand, this report is designed to be more interesting and accessible to a wider, younger audience.

Measuring Progress: Towards Achieving the Environmental Dimension of the SDGS

Did you know that only 22% of the environment-related SDG indicators are on track to meet the target if current trends continue? For 62%, there is not enough data to assess progress and for 16% there is not progress toward achieving the target. Specifically, progress has been made on all 11 environment-related SDGs indicators...

GEO-5 For Business

Global environmental trends are creating new risks and new opportunities for businesses in every industry. Indeed the transition to a green economy, now in its early stages, will open up great opportunities for companies that understand the implications of these trends and account for them in...

GEO-5 For Youth

Over the past century, the word ‘environment’ has evolved in meaning and substance. Ask your grandparents what they thought of the environment when they were your age. They would probably refer to their surroundings, their local forests or simply keeping their neighbourhood free from visible...

GEO-5 For Local Government

The GEO-5 for Local Authorities report has been developed by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability in col la - boration with UNEP, and draws on the findings of GEO-5. The report shows that pressures on the global environment affect the local level. Conversely, local decisions and...

GEO-5 Summary for Policy Makers

The GEO-5 assessment report has three distinct, yet related parts: Part 1 is an assessment of the state and trends of the global environment in relation to key internationally agreed goals such as Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agreed in 2000 and goals of various multilateral...

Strengthening the Science-Policy Interface: A gap analysis

Responding to United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council decision 27/2 and United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) 1 resolution 1/ 4, United Nations Environment Programme is ready to launch its new study called: ...