15 Dec 2017 Récit Youth, education & environment

UN Environment and MIT launch Climate CoLab

In 2015, world leaders adopted a set of 17 goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Achieving all of these Sustainable Development Goals – which cover topics as varied as climate change, gender equality and healthy marine life – will require creative combinations of actions that minimize trade-offs and maximize synergies. 

Against this backdrop, UN Environment and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have partnered to create a contest – Climate CoLab – to inspire innovative, practical solutions to help address climate change goal along with multiple other goals. 

Climate Colab logo

Climate CoLab is a project led by MIT that aims to harness the collective intelligence of thousands of people from all around the world. Through a collaborative platform, contributors with a broad range of expertise are welcome to submit, evaluate, and select proposals for actions to take on various aspects of the climate change problem. So far, they’ve come up with over 2,000 potential solutions.

The winners of the contest – who are selected through a combination of public voting and official judging – will be invited to showcase their work at UN Environment’s headquarters in Kenya, meet with the UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Environment, and have their proposal included in the Global Environment Outlook, which is UN Environment’s flagship report on the state of the environment and is distributed to decision-makers around the globe. Proposals may be submitted until 7 January 2018. 

To view current proposals and for more information, click here.