26 November 2013 Rapport

Emissions Gap Report 2013


The Copenhagen Accord called on parties to the UNFCCC to submit voluntary emission reduction pledges for the year 2020. To date, 32 parties have heeded that call. Emission reduction pledges contribute towards meeting the target of the parties to the UNFCCC to limit the increase in global average temperature to 2°C, compared to its pre-industrial levels.

But are the pledges for 2020 enough to keep the world on track to meet the 2°C target? Or will there be a gap between ambition and reality?

Since 2010, the United Nations Environment Programme has convened scientists from all over the world to answer these two questions. The material accessible through this page represents the fourth update of the so-called Emissions Gap report. It highlights that there is a gap and suggests options for bridging it.

    This year’s report provides updated analyses of a number of tried and tested sector-specific policy options to achieve this goal. Specifically, we show that actions taken in the agricultural sector can lower emissions and boost the overall sustainability of food production.

    The report presents the latest estimates of the emissions gap in 2020 and provides plentiful information about:

    • current (2010) and projected (2020) levels of global greenhouse gas emissions, both in the absence of additional policies and consistent with national pledge implementation
    • the implications of starting decided emission reductions now or in the coming decades
    • agricultural development policies that can help increase yields, reduce fertilizer usage and bring about other benefits, while reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
    • international cooperative initiatives that, while potentially overlapping with pledges, can complement them and help bridge the emissions gap