UNEP, Community discussion

Training and capacity building

In Disasters & conflicts

Since 2017, UNEP has developed and delivered a number of trainings which cover different aspects of strengthening environmental safeguards and environmental management in oil and gas exploration and production. Trainings are delivered on site or through online platforms. 

Training is targeted primarily towards strengthening capacities of Government institutions both at national and sub-national levels, but also includes civil society, national Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) practitioners, and academia to increase awareness and develop national expertise.

Since 2017, nearly 1,000 women and men have been trained in countries and in the East Africa region. Training sessions focus mainly on environmental aspects of upstream oil and gas exploration and production. They include practical elements, such as field trips, as well as interactive and group exercises. Trained participants are networked with each other through LinkedIn to encourage peer-to-peer learning and exchange of knowledge and experiences

Our training library now comprise of these modules:

  1. Foundation Course on Oil and Gas Exploration and Production and Promoting Sound Environmental Management
  2. Chemicals and Waste Management in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
  3. Upstream Oil and Gas in Environmentally Sensitive Areas
  4. Oil Contaminated Site Assessment 
  5. Remediation of Oil Contaminated Sites
  6. Water and Wastewater Management
  7. Air Emissions and Climate Change Issues in the Oil and Gas Sector (New focus topics on methane)
  8. Oil Spill Preparedness and Response including IMO Level 1-3 Model Courses, shoreline contaminated and clean up assessments, strengthening local and national level cooperation, Training of Trainers, among others
  9. Decommissioning
  10. Associated gas processing and treatment

Our Training Partners include:

OfD Training Partners


In Disasters & conflicts