Policy and strategy

COBSEA Strategic Directions 2018-2022

COBSEA Strategic Directions 2018-2022

The Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) Strategic Directions 2018-2022 were adopted at the Second Extraordinary Intergovernmental Meeting of COBSEA in April 2018. 

The COBSEA Strategic Directions 2018-2022 guide participating countries and the COBSEA Secretariat in action towards development and protection of the marine environment and coastal areas of East Asian Seas, leveraging COBSEA as an intergovernmental policy mechanism towards planning, implementation and tracking of delivery of ocean-related Sustainable Development Goals, in line with the global “Regional Seas Directions 2017-2020.” To this end the Strategic Directions encompass two substantive themes: Land-based marine pollution; and Marine and coastal planning and management; as well as an over-arching Governance theme.