01 Oct 2020 Story Oceans & seas

Massive Open Online Course on marine litter starts 26 October

Are you interested in learning more about marine litter? Do you want to know how you can help create solutions for marine litter in your region? 

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and Open Universiteit (OU) are once again excited to announce the opening of the Marine Little Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The course, separated into a Leadership Track and an Expert Track, is now open for registration. The course starts on October 26, 2020, and is entirely free for all offered languages. ENROLL now and spread the news!

This year's MOOC is available in 10 languages, including 4 languages from the East Asian Seas region: Chinese, Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese.

The MOOC is a key activity of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter (click to join the GPML) and a part of the Clean Seas Campaign, developed with support from the UNEP and COBSEA SEA circular project.

Please follow or like the MOOCs Facebook page and visit the SEA circular homepage for more information on our work on marine litter and plastic pollution in the region.