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Considered Asia-Pacific’s largest and longest-standing gathering of adaptation practitioners to share information, knowledge and best practices in adaptation and resilience-building, the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum (APAN Forum) is the biennial flagship event of the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) Secretariat, hosted within the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

The APAN Forum serves as a primary regional platform for adaptation practitioners to meet, exchange knowledge and experiences, and collaborate towards the pertinent outcomes and practical solutions that are needed to address the challenges of climate change.


The Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) and the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP), two Regional Seas bodies in the Asia-Pacific region, are co-organizing a session for the APAN Forum entitled "Our Oceans and Seas: Harnessing Nature-based Solutions and Regional Collaboration towards Ecosystems Resilience"


The ocean is facing severe challenges due to biodiversity loss, pollution, and climate change. These threats have far-reaching consequences beyond the marine ecosystem and can destabilize the entire planet. To protect and restore the ocean, collaborative action is crucial, focusing on nature-based solutions (NbS) that recognize the interconnections between climate change, pollution, and biodiversity, strengthening the resilience of ecosystems.

The Asia Pacific region's biodiversity is highly vulnerable to climate change, necessitating urgent measures to enhance ecosystems' resilience. NbS, particularly the conservation and restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems, are essential for adapting to climate change and improving ecosystem health. Initiatives such as mangrove restoration, seagrass restoration, and coral reef conservation align with the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, offering a comprehensive approach to addressing biodiversity.

Given the transboundary nature of biodiversity challenges, regional collaborative efforts are crucial in achieving ecosystem resilience. Initiatives like the UNEP Regional Seas Programme, including COBSEA and NOWPAP in the Asia Pacific, provide intergovernmental mechanisms for cooperation. They facilitate knowledge sharing, best practices, and experiences among countries, enabling successful projects to be replicated. These collaborative efforts also enhance capacity-building through resource pooling, expertise exchange, and technical support. By promoting an ecosystem-based approach, regional collaboration ensures sustainable management and conservation of shared marine and coastal habitats, strengthening the long-term resilience of both people and the planet.


Aligned with the UN Decade of Ocean Science and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, this panel event will bring together experts, practitioners, and stakeholders to discuss regional cooperation in nature-based solutions for ecosystems' resilience in the coastal zones of the North West Pacific and the East Asian Seas. The session aims to:

  1. explore scientific research and practical experiences related to NbS, emphasizing their integration into regional and national biodiversity strategies and policies;

  2. examine the importance of regional collaboration in addressing transboundary ecosystem resilience challenges, highlighting the role of existing intergovernmental mechanisms in fostering collaboration and supporting successful project replication.