برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة
Photo Jean van der Meulen/Pexels

UNEP informs

Science is fundamental in providing answers to some of the most pressing sustainability issues of the 21st century, and to ensure evidence-based decision-making. Informing society of the risks as well as the opportunities of new developments is at the heart of the work of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). UNEP keeps the global environment under review and improves access to information and knowledge-sharing, with the ultimate goal being the transformation of humanity’s relationship with our environment.

As an example, UNEP's scientific publications such as the flagship Global Environment Outlook, the Global Chemicals Outlook and the Emissions Gap Report provide detailed analysis and key findings that support enhanced environmental policymaking and governance. These reports help bridge the gap between science and policy by turning the best available scientific knowledge into information relevant for decision makers, who then can turn policy into action. 

On a global level, UNEP highlights the most compelling, effective and replicable environmental policies and practices, no matter their source. UNEP keeps a finger on the environmental pulse and identifies global emerging environmental issues, some of which are presented in the Frontiers series.

With a dedicated team of scientists and experts, UNEP is the only Member State-led organization that has both the mandate and the capacity to assess the world’s environmental resources. 

The information and knowledge gained from its work is discussed and shared through a range of scientific assessments and reports, as well as information and knowledge portals such as InforMEA, which provides a bird’s-eye view of all major environmental treaties across key topics. 

The science and its implications for policymakers is discussed and negotiated through convening platforms, such as the UN Environment Assembly – the universal parliament for the environment hosted by UNEP.

Further, the World Environment Situation Room is a dynamic knowledge platform designed to collect, process and share satellite data and the world's best environmental science and research. The platform includes critical tools to review progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

UNEP has also been instrumental in creating several science-policy platforms that bring together scientists, governments, industrial and international organizations, and civil society, such as: