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Elizabeth Wathuti - Kenyan, Africa

2019 Победитель | Environmental enthusiast | Kenyan

Growing up, I often thought to myself: Why not nurture and raise more young people to be conscious of the environment at a young age, so that their collective action will help address global environmental challenges? My Green Generation Initiative seeks to address challenges such as deforestation, climate change and environmental injustices, by nurturing young environmental enthusiasts to take action on climate action, zero hunger, quality education, and life on land. I achieve this through greening schools, environmental education, planting fruit trees for food security, and inculcating a tree growing culture among people for forest cover increment through an adopt a tree campaign, and through working on food forest establishments in schools.

I am the founder of Green Generation Initiative and a sustainability analyst at Sustainable Square, KenyaI have received the Wangari Maathai Scholarship Award for my outstanding passion and personal commitment to environmental conservation. I am a full member of the Greenbelt Movement and a Global Youth in Landscape Leadership.

Отказ от ответственности: ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: данный текст был размещен в рамках ежегодного конкурса «Молодые чемпионы Земли» за 2019 год и с тех пор не обновлялся. Данный текст не представляет собой специального одобрения со стороны Программы ООН по окружающей среде *.

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