Applying for funding through the Special Programme

The Special Programme issues periodic calls for applications for funding of projects aimed at institutional strengthening for the sound management of chemicals and waste.

The eighth round of applications will begin soon.

Eligibility for funding

In approving the arrangements for the launch of the seventh round of funding, the Executive Board revised the eligibility criteria for funding under the Special Programme. The Board decided that "Countries should refer to paragraph 6 of the Terms of Reference for eligibility which states that ‘Support from the Special Programme will be available for developing countries, taking into account the special needs of least developed countries and small island developing States, and for countries with economies in transition (1), with priority given to those with least capacity’.

Note that a number of donors have strict policies of funding only applications that meet the eligibility requirements of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of Official Development Assistance (ODA) (2) at the time of application".

Application forms and process

A graphic explaining the Special Programme.
What is a Special Programme project?

Governments interested in submitting an application are invited to prepare their project application in consultation with ministries and stakeholders to identify national priorities, gaps and challenges to facilitate and enable the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, the Minamata Convention and the Global Framework on Chemicals.

Consultation with additional sources, such as the Secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, the Minamata Convention, Global Framework on Chemicals and GEF, including consultation with the GEF focal point, LIRA guidance, Guidance on Chemicals Control and guidance on Gender mainstreaming is also encouraged.

Additional information is detailed in the updated Guidance on the scope of the Special Programme (Will be available in Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish soon) which provides information on eligibility and the types of projects that may be funded.

In addition, the updated Special Programme Application Guidelines (Will be available in Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish soon) outlines the project application process and step by step information on how to fill in the application forms.

Applications must include:

  1. The duly signed Project application form
  2. A Project budget form
  3. Endorsement letter from the Official focal point
  4. Letters of support from the project partners confirming its/their role(s)
  5. Projects with an implementing organization/institution, a letter from the organization/institution confirming its role (if relevant)
  6. Annexes providing any relevant additional information regarding the measures and activities to be funded

Applications must be submitted in English only.

Complete application packages should be sent electronically in Word and PDF versions to: unepchemicalsspecialprogramme@un.org

Original signed forms and supporting documents may also be submitted to the Secretariat by post to the following address:

         Special Programme Secretariat,
         UN Environment, Economy Division,
         Chemicals and Health Branch,
         Avenue de la Paix 8-14,
         1211 Genève, Switzerland

Detailed information on the projects that have been funded to date, can be found in our Project Database.

Please contact the Secretariat of the Special Programme at unepchemicalsspecialprogramme@un.org for more information.

Support to applicants

The Special Programme e-Learning Platform is available to assist Governments with the process of completing a Special Programme application based on the project application guidelines. We invite you to visit the platform and take the course.

The Special Programme held a series of online workshops for prospective applicants under the seventh round of funding on 23 and 24 May 2023. If you missed the webinar, you can find the recordings and presentations here. The webinars for this next round will be held in June 2024. Stay tuned!


[1] See United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects Report available at https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/WESP_2024_Web.pdf.

[2] https://www.oecd.org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/development-finance-standards/daclist.htm